
today was the french meeting, so after school i just went to han's place we stayed there untill it started. It didnt go SO good, i mean its hard when no one wants to do anything.. -.-

BUT it'll be alright x)

now after yesterday's rage attack (followed by an emotionall breakdown) this is whats left from my necklace xD:

well its a good art- picture at least.. x) my pillow is also a bit weird after yesterday, but.. yeah im better 2day as u can see, and i'm probably gonna draw about it, so.. we'll see whaat comes out ^^

and a pic of me:

not in a good mood, as usual... i really need help.. or no, i need that PERSON

you were everything, everything tht i wanted,
we wee meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
all the memmories so close to me just fade awaaay,
all this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending..

Good to know we had it all, thanks for watching as i fall, and letting me know we were doooone.....
everything, everything that i wanted.

stupid lyrics that are always supposed to be annoying!! :S GOOOSH, im back in school, so im a bit of a retard when it comes to bloggin' as you see... whatever, shorties birthday party was kinda awesome at least:
 oh thats just... manly xD
 and the only one missing here is hannah :/ but she took the pic, so shes still a part of it ^^


SANDY: wait... DAVID, why were you on a date with my girl lindsday like two weeks ago if you have a girlfriend?

DAVID: what girl lindsday?! i havent even met you.. You see hun' thats why i dont like talking to my ex's!..

NELLY: Haha, im only sitting and laughing right now..

SANDY: yeah, last week when you came to los angeles, i was there with my boyfriend and you were there with my girl... fogot her name maybe? ;) and i can HARDLY call you an ex, we were together 2 weeks an meanwhile you cheated on me, dont you get that girls get hurt??

DAVID: AND WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW ME?? retard, this summer i didnt even know who nelly was, and i dont even know any lindsday!! 

NELLY: yeah, why would David cheat on me, he has no reason, just cuz youre jealous and arent over him yet, doesnt mean hell cheat on me!!

SANDY: Nelly you'll see you'll get hurt. And im sorry to tell you this, but i have a boyfriend on my own, im just saying David its sad, what you're doing...

NELLY: go to hell you piece of sh*t, he would never do that, i now understand why he cheated on YOU, but that doesnt mean he'll do it to me!!!!

this is what i am witnessing right now, on facebook. THE THING IS, i know "david" is lying. He even hit on me over chat like a week ago, he was writing stuff like i want to meet you baby, i've missed your lips..
WHAT. TO. DO?!?! seriously i cant even imagine the pain "nelly" will have to go through eventually..

i... feel sooooo sorry for her... SHE IS SO BLIND.... oh my god..

tanning.. (?)

today me and shortie went to Vällingby to fix some stuff there,
 but right after
we were just chilling at her place..
Nothing else actually,
besides that im playing guitar again and my finger tips are....
K.I.L.L.I.N.G me, its hurts so f*cking bad cuz i've played too much D':

and believe me, the pain is not only like... small, its hurts pretty friggin bad ass D:

 pretty? yes.. but CAN be painfull :O

why the nightmares?!

seriously i dreamt a nightmare about a person thats near to me, and all day i've been walkin around thinking what the heck it could mean... its killing me.

yesterday i was in the city with shortie, and today i was at Jontes house with andre, shortie and Burito... well, that didnt go so well... as you may notice... Burito and jonte is a coupple. And andre and shortie are almost a coupple...

EMO.... sebbe was my savior as he came... i finally had somene to at least talk to.. -.-

pics from yesterday:


hello, today im a little bit better emotionally not really much progress in the "not being sick on thursday-plan"

right now i am TRYING to play a little guitar, and FAILING MISSERABLY cuz my nails are like 1 cm long, i dont wanna get rid of them but i wanna play guitar... ARGH!!....

 and no, i am not dressed yet, stop mocking me! xD

kill me

just stab me....  yeah in the back, thats right.


wiihoow, im sick...

my voice sounds worse than a MAN'S!!.. Gosh, i really sound howwible o.O

so i dont think im gonna be doing so much today, my mom wont let me.. -.- cuz im SICK... ARGH, im gonna go crazy :@

so you say flashbacks, huh?

wait, wait, did u guys get a new years kiss?? :DD


two-thousand.. wait WHAT 11 ?!??!

yes... it IS 2011!! its friggin... just.... just friggin INSANE, IM GOING CRAZY RIGHT NOW,
i cant believe it!!...
and im back in sweden, the flight(s) were okay,

as soon as i came home, i went over to W's place to his party, it was so Failed... but still fun seeing everyone fail xD


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