its sunday... :'(
i just really really HATE the feeling of: "oh no, i gotta get up early 2morrow...."
well... whatcha' gonna do about it..? -.-
2day, i first woke up after a GREAT night, i slept really well xD
and i have no idea why xD
by the way, yeasterday, i wa reading breaking dawn, and gosh, edwaard is getting on my nerves xD
so 2day i woke up, and i texted nic (with my new cell :D :D ) so we were gonna do something :P
so i took a shower, put some make-up on, ate and went to meet her up :)
then we just walked around a bit, then we went to my place, and we were actually gonna go to media markt, i was gonna buy a memmory card, but NOO it was closed :@
so we asked if someone wanted to go out :P
and so we went out with pedram jonte sebbe preben and abbe :P
they were soo freaked!! it was really fun, i could'nt stop laughing xD
and now im at home, gonna go brush my teeth soon :)
snapshot of the day:
--- look how fucked up my hair looks 2day! :O
(and yeah, i've been getting a lot of questions why im writing in english, thats because some of my friends cant talk swedish haha :P)
here is my new cell by the way [YAAAY!!]: