i hate religion lession... and history too...

seriously we have an assignment that should be done 3 weeks from now, and i am ALREADY anxieus about it!!.. x'( its just because i have NO IDEA what i am supposed to write about, well, ofcourse i know, but its an REALLY hard assignment!! D:

btw, the dance lesson was awesome 2day :P

--- this is how my brain feels right now!! :@

and just a funny pic:
 isn't this like the FUNNYEST thig EVER?!?XD

Postat av: ♥ L A I L A ♥

haha shit så stor =) varför har du musik? Jobbigt när man lyssnar på sina egna låtar så blir det blandat :P

2010-11-15 @ 20:34:37
URL: http://lailaaziz.blogg.se/
Postat av: Dilan Dilir

oh what have they made of taylor? haha :D

nice blogg,btw ;)

2010-11-15 @ 20:51:01
URL: http://dilaanisme.blogspot.com
Postat av: charlotta


2010-11-15 @ 21:20:12
URL: http://tjalottaa.blogg.se/
Postat av: laila

Sov gott gumman : )

2010-11-15 @ 23:46:19
URL: http://lailaaziz.blogg.se/
Postat av: Lucas

Anmäl dig till dagens blogg om du känner för det :P

2010-11-16 @ 12:47:38
URL: http://modegrabben.blogg.se/
Postat av: Amanda - MANDOSA

haha oj sista bilden x)

2010-11-16 @ 14:37:25
URL: http://mandosa.blogg.se/

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